Make an appointement

Please fill in the form below to make an appointement.

Your support in the Centre include 2 visits

(refer to Schedule) :

  • The first visit of the day, to take stock with the medical team (consultations and blood tests) and prescribe the treatment.
  • The second one, for those who want to stay in Montpellier, about 2 months later, last from 3 to 9 days, for the end of the monitoring and FIV.

Hormonal mesures:

In the laboratory LABOSUD, see all the laboratorys on the website:

Administrative information Mrs
 (Etape 1/3)
First name 
Last name 
City / Country 
Phone number 
Date of birth
Click on the year to remote it quickly
First name 
Last name 
Date of birth
Click on the year to remote it quickly
Phone number 
Your availability 
Do you have any comments or questions?
The AMP St Roch Center has received your appointment request and thanks you for it. We will contact you in the next few days.

The St Roch IVF Center team

Contact us

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Practical information